Frequent Flyer - reblooming tall bearded Iris

Frequent Flyer

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$7.50 Reg. Price $9.50   You Save $2.00
Tall bearded Iris Frequent Flyer (R. Gibson 1994) TB 32 inches (81 cm) E & RE. RE A broad, ruffled white; self beards tipped yellow. Sporadic rebloom for us in zone 8. Reported to rebloom in zones 5 to 9. Late rebloomer.

Type: Tall bearded Iris
Reblooming: Reblooming Iris
Rebloom Zones: Zones 5, 6, 8, 9, 10
The Zone information is from the Reblooming Iris Society 2018 data. They are the zones that the variety was recorded to rebloom in. They may rebloom in other zones, but not recorded by the Reblooming Iris Society.
Year of Introduction: 1994
Height of Flower: 32
1 year - please see our policies for additional information
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Featured positive reviews:

Frequent Flyer
average rating 100%
Gorgeous repeat blooms!
These Frequent Flyer bulbs arrived beautifully packed and with the best planting instruction sheet I've ever seen. Although I didn't plant them right away, they popped right up in my Los Angeles garden as soon as their toes hit the dirt. Foliage is silver and attractive all year. I planted several clusters, some with better sun exposure than others. This didn't discourage any of them, but simply staggered the bloom of each cluster. They earn their name and bloom several times a year here, bearing their blossoms high above the foliage like brilliant white butterflies. Gorgeous!