Fragrant Iris

Fragrant Irises

Fragrance is often an overlooked quality of the bearded irises. This can be difficult to understand because the perfumes produced from some of these fragrant flowers vary from light and sweet to heavily scented, dusky and even a "chocolate" essence. If you specifically want fragrant iris flowers, you will be pleased with the following selection from our fragrant irises.

The fragrant Iris often have a sweet scent that makes them doubly enjoyable as a cut flower.

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  • Aaron's Dagger - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Aaron's Dagger$8.25
    (G.Sutton 1995) TB 37 inches (94 cm), EM SA Red violet self B-orange & violet,fuzzy violet horn;slight sweet fragrance
  • Aaron's Dream - tall bearded Iris - fragrant reblooming tall bearded Iris
    Aaron's Dream$13.00
    (G. Sutton 1994) TB RE 37 inches (94 cm), EML. Ruffled semi-flared pale blue, almost white self; mid blue beards.

    Reliable rebloom for us in zone 8. Reported to rebloom in zones 8 and 9.

    Late rebloom. Fragrant Iris.
  • Again and Again - fragrant reblooming tall bearded Iris
    Again and Again$17.75
    (Sterling Innerst, 1999) TB 36 inches (91 cm) M & RE. Excellent Rebloomer! This is a continuous rebloomer and is one of our best rebloomers. Stands light medium yellow with medium yellow falls with white spray pattern around white beard changing to yellow in throat. This is a very large flower. Slight sweet fragrance. Renown X Anxious. Reliable multiple rebloom for us in zone 8. Reported to rebloom in zones 4 to 9.
  • Alene's New Love - fragrant SDB Standard Dwarf Bearded
    Alene's New Love$13.00
    (Walt Dean, 2001) SDB, 10-11 inches (25-28 cm), M Light rose purple , small white dart below bright lavender beard; slight musky fragrance. Alene's Other Love X Chanted.
  • Altered States - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Altered States$9.50
    (Burseen 1997) TB 36 inches (91 cm), M. The standards are white ground, purple streaks and the falls are white, dotted, blotched purple. Fragrant Iris.
  • Amaryllis - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    (Ruth Goebel,1995) TB, 27 inches (69 cm), M S. none; lacy style arms; F. chinese yellow shaded pink, blue and bronze; pronounced sweet fragrance. Mount Spokane X (Tillamook x self). Amarllis is a true novelty Iris in that it does not have Stand but 6 Falls.
  • Angelic Wings - fragrant reblooming tall bearded Iris
    Angelic Wings$8.25$7.50
    (B. Miller 1991) TB, 35 inches (89 cm), EM & RE (Aug-Nov/AL) Lightly ruffled pale blue, fading white; beards white, yellow and red in throat; slight sweet fragrance. Radiant Angel X English Cottage.

    Reliable rebloom for us in zone 8. for us in zone 8. Reported to rebloom in zones 8 and 9.

  • Anne Murray - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Anne Murray$10.00
    (Michael Moller, 1996) TB, 36 inches (91 cm), ML S-lilac-blue with darker midrib F-blue-white,veined darker blue B-yellow tipped white; slight sweet fragrance. Solid State X Avis. HM 1998.
  • Apollo One - fragrant reblooming tall bearded Iris
    Apollo One$11.00
    (G.Sutton 1997) TB 34 inches (86 cm), EM SA S-white,edged spiraea red F-white,striped & edged spiraea red B-bronze gold-burgundy,spiraea red horns;fragrant HM 2000
  • April Vision - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    April Vision$38.50
    (G. Sutton 2002) TB, 35 inches (89 cm), ML Standard is a beautiful French rose with lighter pink falls with french rose veins. The beard is deep pink. April Vision is ruffled and laced. Slight sweet fragrance.
  • Art Show - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Art Show$12.00
    (Keppel 1990) TB 34 inches (86 cm), M. The standards are peach beige and the falls are cordovan edged maize. Fragrant Iris.

  • Ascent of Angels - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Ascent of Angels$8.00
    (M.Bernard 1996) TB 36 inches (91 cm), M S-wistaria blue,deeper midrib F-wistaria blue washed violet B-lavender,gold throat;fragrant
  • Aureoles - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    (Bruce Filardi, 2011) TB, 43" (109 cm), EM S. creamy white, very narrow laced gold rim; style arms white; F. creamy white, slightly wider and more intense gold rim; beards bright red-orange; slight spicy fragrance. Captain Crunch X Leading Light.
  • Autumn Tryst - fragrant reblooming tall bearded Iris
    Autumn Tryst$19.50
    (Weiler 1993) TB, 34 inches (86 cm), EM & RE The standards are white, shot, stippled & edged rosy lavender and the falls are white, edged rosy lavender; beards pale yellow; slight sweet fragrance. Lilac Stitchery X Earl of Essex. Reliable rebloom for us in zone 8. Reported to rebloom in zones 6 to 9. Fragrant Iris. HM 1997
  • Banana Frappe - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Banana Frappe$14.00
    (R.Ernst 1991) TB 38 inches (97 cm), M Ruffled yellow; beards yellow orange; slight sweet fragrance. Gold Cadillac X Sunday Sunshine.
  • Barn Dance - fragrant reblooming tall bearded Iris
    Barn Dance$8.00
    (Monty Byers, 1991) TB, 35 inches (89 cm), EM & RE S. medium light yellow; F. pale straw yellow, slightly deeper yellow hafts and border peppered and sanded rose brown, small white area under bright yellow beard; ruffled; slight sweet fragrance. Broadway X Spirit of Fiji.
  • Big Melt - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Big Melt$8.00
    (Burseen 1992) TB 37 inches (94 cm) ML. Ruffled, flared, lightly laced cool violet white, darker at center; beards gold tipped lavender blue; spicy fragrance.
  • Billionaire - fragrant reblooming tall bearded Iris
    (Monty Byers, 1987) TB, 32 inches (81 cm), EM-M & RE (Sept/CA) Lightly ruffled bright yellow gold; yellow orange beard; slight musky fragrance. Reliable rebloom for us in zone 8. Reported to rebloom in zones 5 to 9.
  • Black Comedy - fragrant Intermediate bearded Iris
    Black Comedy$23.00
    (Paul Black, 2017) IB, 27 inches (69 cm), E-L S. dark black-purple; style arms grape-purple, khaki edge, black-purple crest; F. velvety black; beards saturated mid orange; slight sweet fragrance. Love Spell X P92A: (Lady of the Night x Paul Black).
  • Blatant - fragrant reblooming tall bearded Iris
    (Monty Byers, 1990) TB, 36 inches (91 cm), EM-ML & RE S. clear canary yellow; F. vivid magenta blended beetroot with lighter edge faintly infused old gold, heavily marked hafts; indian yellow beard; ruffled; pronounced musky fragrance. Spirit of Fiji X Broadway. Reliable rebloom for us in zone 8. Reported to rebloom in zones 5 to 9. Early rebloom.
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Looking for the most fragrant Iris. Try using the search function for the word "pronounced" which should return all the varieties that have a pronounced fragrance.

Some of the tall bearded Iries are also Reblooming Iris. You will be able to identify them when you see the "RE" in the description. RE is for Reblooming (Irises). Some of the reblooming irises are also very fragrant Irises