Mountain Violet - reblooming tall bearded Iris

Mountain Violet

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Tall bearded Iris Mountain Violet (B. Hamner, 1985) TB, 36 inches (91 cm), EM & RE (Feb in CA) S. pastel violet flushed faint pink; F. darker violet. HM 1989. Sporadic rebloom for us in zone 8. Reported to rebloom in zones 8 and 9. Late rebloom.

Type: Tall bearded Iris
Reblooming: Reblooming Iris
Rebloom Zones: Zones 8, 9
The Zone information is from the Reblooming Iris Society 2018 data. They are the zones that the variety was recorded to rebloom in. They may rebloom in other zones, but not recorded by the Reblooming Iris Society.
Year of Introduction: 1985
Height of Flower: 36
1 year - please see our policies for additional information
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Featured positive reviews:

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Great Cut Flower 03/26/2018
By karlajean
Planted last fall, Mountain Violet rebloomed in late March this year with four total buds. The two branches are well spaced-each with a bloom. The top bud was double socketed. Each bloom lasted three days, and I was able to enjoy two blooms open at the same time. Slight sweet fragrance. This beautiful bi-tone flower is just slightly darker than the photo.Diamond dusting was noticed on the second day. There is white on the hafts with earthy lines. The is a darker violet midrib on the standards and several violet lines coming down the middle of the falls. The beard is yellow tipped orange with light violet at the tip. I am new to growing iris, so I am sure that I have much more to learn and observe! Zone 9
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Great Cut Flower 03/28/2018
By karlajean
Actually, by placing my arrangement outside at night, I was able to enjoy, for two days, three blooms open at once; now I am enjoying the final lone bloom.