Magnificent Masterpiece - reblooming tall bearded Iris
Magnificent Masterpiece - reblooming tall bearded Iris
Magnificent Masterpiece - Reblooming tall bearded Iris

Magnificent Masterpiece

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Tall bearded Iris Magnificent Masterpiece (Barbara Nicodemus, 2010) TB, 35-36" (86-89 cm), EM S. and style arms royal purple; F. velvety black-purple, few lighter striations around blue purple beard; ruffled, purple base foliage. Fabulous One X Thunder Spirit.

Type: Tall bearded Iris
Reblooming: Reblooming Iris
Rebloom Zones: Zones 8, 9
The Zone information is from the Reblooming Iris Society 2018 data. They are the zones that the variety was recorded to rebloom in. They may rebloom in other zones, but not recorded by the Reblooming Iris Society.
Year of Introduction: 2010
Height of Flower: 35